Coffee is very complex.

It is the process of roasting that transforms the bland green coffee bean into a brown flavourful and aromatic bean. It is the intricacies of the roast process that develop the naturally occurring, fragrance, flavor, aroma, acidity, sweetness and feel, that are within each coffee bean.

Roasting to different end temperatures, is what gives the different roast levels of, light, medium and dark beans.

The roasting machine facilitates the flow of heated air, through a rotating drum of beans, gently and evenly exposing them to this heat, and thus raising the internal bean temperature. Then, at the desired internal bean temperature, the roast process is stopped as rapidly as possible, by unloading the beans into the cooling tray which draws air thru the layer of beans while stirring.

Every step in this process has the potential to affect the resulting taste in the cup.



